We select the best companies in the trade and create new business opportunities.BIG brings together the leading companies in our trade for a common goal: To be Sweden's leading group of retailers...
Legal name: Oy Haga Plast Ab
Vaasa, Western Finland
Machinery, equipment for power plants, energy, mining, cement, lime, concrete, building materials, ports, grain, sand, gravel, stones, wood, foresting. From beltweighers, flow measurement of milled...
Legal name: A/S Airchem
Asperup, Region of Southern Denmark
Murrelektronik is your system partner: From the switch cabinet via the interface active or passive into the field. We have a widely diversified product range, and can supply you with well thought-out...
Legal name: Murrelektronik AB
Explosion protected apparatus, light fittings and phones Please contact us when you need ATEX-certified electrical equipments, installation material, light fittings or phones. To our product range...
Oernskoeldsvik, Västernorrland County
Oslo, Oslo
Ystad, Skåne County
Tyreso, Stockholm County
Harbour services, stevedoring, freight terminal, tugboat and icebreaking services in lake Vanern. Freight forwarding arrangements and clearence for vessels.
Karlstad, Värmland County
Legal name: Oy Meyer vastus Ab
Monninkyla, Southern Finland