Legal name: Elma Pos & Data A/S
Farum, Capital Region of Denmark
Fleet Management Systems, Ordersteering on Smartphones & Tablets
Herlev, Capital Region of Denmark
SINCE THE 1970’S, Transvision has focused on providing systems for planning and optimisation of road-based transport. Transvision has its origins in IT development and operational analysis and is a...
Copenhagen N, Capital Region of Denmark
Varloese, Capital Region of Denmark
2Bmobile is a provider of mobile security and communication solutions based on SMS technology. We are a part of 2BM A/S founded in 2000, who is a 5-time winner as fast growing company ("Børsen...
Copenhagen Oe, Capital Region of Denmark
Consafe Logistics is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of mobile logistics solutions to customers using logistics to improve their competitiveness. We develop, implement and support solutions...
Skovlunde, Capital Region of Denmark