Trasloevslage, Halland County
Kista, Stockholm County
Spanga, Stockholm County
Billdal, Halland County
Legal name: AB EBA Plast
Anderstorp, Jönköping County
Injection moulding of thermoplastics and LSR products. Packaging including IML, Medical devices, Baby-care and general custom moulding.
Tyreso, Stockholm County
Legal name: HB Demi Plast
Smalandsstenar, Jönköping County
Lulea, Norrbotten County
Angelholm, Skåne County
Production of respirators P1, P2, P3 approved according to EN 149:1996 and EN 149:2001 and CE certified. Production of oxygen masks to ambulances and hospitals.
Savedalen, Västra Götaland County