Espoo, Southern Finland
Lohja, Southern Finland
Dental units: chairs, stools, operation lights, digital intra oral x-ray sensor systems. Also Podiatry units and ENT Chairs (ear, nose, throat).
Monninkyla, Southern Finland
Dade Behring is the world's largest company dedicated solely to clinical diagnostics. It offers a wide range of products, systems and services designed to meet the day-to-day needs of labs, delivering...
Vacuummattress and vacuumsplint, spezial mattrasscover, subcontract.
Nastola, Southern Finland
Legal name: Algol Oy
Ge, Southern Finland
Teho-Tekniikka is a provider of Pneumatic tube systems for hospitals, production plants, paper mills, factories and shops etc. Teho-Tekniikka's solutions increase their customers flexibility,...
Helsinki, Southern Finland
Legal name: Berner Osakeyhtiö