Legal name: Aktiebolaget Kontrollmetod K.M.D.
Askim, Västra Götaland County
AB Cromocol was founded in 1945. From the beginning the business focus was on import of pigments for the paint industry in the Nordic countries. But after a couple of years the business expanded and...
Boras, Västra Götaland County
KmK Instrument AB, founded in 1994, is a knowledge and agent company that sales instrument and services within metrology, NDT and material testing.
Vasteras, Vaestmanland County
Test and measurement instruments for mechanical and electrical captions. Calibration service for pressure and force up to 5 ton. Subsidiary to Chauvin-Arnoux for Nordic region.
Taby, Stockholm County
ZR Sverige AB is selling equipment for material testing as DT, Hardnesstesting and NDT. We are working with teh suppliers Zwick GmbH, Indentec, Chemetall, IM-Teknik Schatz and Cygnus-instruments. Our...
Billdal, Västra Götaland County
Sales and repair, Maintenance of forklift Sales of battery and charger. Education of forkliftdriwers. Sole agency in Philipines for Kentruck
Mullsjo, Jönköping County