Coreplast Laitila Oy is one of the world's leading contract manufacturers in the plastic industry. We supply visually attractive and accurately dimensioned plastic product solutions for such as the...
Laitila, Western Finland
Sheet metal working, machined aluminium products, laser markning.
Keuruu, Western Finland
Alajarvi, Western Finland
Vaasa, Western Finland
Company Oulun Hienomekaniikka Oy, established in 1982, is a subcontracting company specialized in machining small and mid-size components. Our main duty is to give our customers more substance by...
Oulu, Northern Finland
In its own line of business, Eurotool represents indisputably the world's leading manufacturers. Our suppliers always operate on a global scale, which guarantees service and support, regardless of...
Hanko, Southern Finland
Lasercutting, waterjetcutting, bending, welding, 3D laserwelding, 3D lasercutting.
Punkaharju, Eastern Finland