Skjern, Central Denmark Region
Distributors for Deutz, Deutz Power Systems and MWM in Denmark and Sweden. Dieselmotorer, gasmotorer, motorer, diverse motorrenoveringar, motorreparationer, stationära motorer, fartygsmotorer,...
Hedensted, Central Denmark Region
Krusaa, Region of Southern Denmark
Horsens, Central Denmark Region
Lem St, Central Denmark Region
Skagen, North Denmark Region
Greve, Region Zealand
Lejre, Region Zealand
OEM of Marine diesel engines, reduction gears and CP-propeller systems. Sale, service and engineering improvements of windturbine gears.
Legal name: A/S Grenaa Motorfabrik
Grenaa, Central Denmark Region
Legal name: A/S Danish Engineering & Marine Power
Strandby, North Denmark Region