Legal name: Fartygs Tekniska Engineering FT Aktiebolag
Vasterlanda, Västra Götaland County
Skjern, Central Denmark Region
Distributors for Deutz, Deutz Power Systems and MWM in Denmark and Sweden. Dieselmotorer, gasmotorer, motorer, diverse motorrenoveringar, motorreparationer, stationära motorer, fartygsmotorer,...
Hedensted, Central Denmark Region
Langhus, Akershus
Swedish distributor of diesel engines, generators, accessories and spare parts from Mitsubishi, John Deere, Kohler, Hyundai SeasAll and Solé Diesel. Industrial engines, marine engines, generator...
Kungsbacka, Halland County
Krusaa, Region of Southern Denmark
Legal name: C-elec AB
Falkenberg, Halland County
Horsens, Central Denmark Region
Sodertalje, Stockholm County
Skoevde, Västra Götaland County