Acandia offers products and solutions for measurement and control to companies within construction, real estate, IT, food production and distribution, process industry and maintenance. For measurement...
Tyreso, Stockholm County
Legal name: J L Elektronik AB
Oskarshamn, Kalmar County
Manufacturing, design and programming of industrial control systems especially remote control system and foundry automation.
Hoenoe, Västra Götaland County
Intab has 35 years of experience developing professional data acquisition systems. Our readiness to continuously improve our products has resulted in an advanced position on the logger market. Our...
Stenkullen, Västra Götaland County
Test and measurement instruments for mechanical and electrical captions. Calibration service for pressure and force up to 5 ton. Subsidiary to Chauvin-Arnoux for Nordic region.
Taby, Stockholm County
Karlskrona, Blekinge County
Alvsjo, Stockholm County
Vallentuna, Stockholm County
Sales and Development of Software and Hardware for development of Electronic Controllers and CANbus systems. Automotive, Bus, Trucks, Marine. Measuring equipment för drivetrain development, NOx,...
Moelndal, Västra Götaland County