Legal name: AB Somatherm
Arvika, Värmland County
Halton is a family owned company specializing in indoor climate and indoor environment products, services and solutions. Halton’s aim is to create comfortable and safe indoor environments with...
Legal name: Oy Halton Group Ltd
Kausala, Southern Finland
Rovaniemi, Lapland
Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County
Development, manufacturing and marketing of NFO Sinus, a unique frequency inverter for disturbance-free, quiet and dependable motor control for energy efficiency. Patented technology: No shielded...
Karlshamn, Blekinge County
Oslo, Oslo
Legal name: VVS-Firma P. Hermansen A/S
Skanderborg, Central Denmark Region
Helsinki, Southern Finland
Stavanger, Rogaland
Hinnerup, Central Denmark Region