Cyncrona takes over the main part of elnitecs operation
Cyncrona is expanding its product portfolio to include cleaning, test and cable processing. The takeover is an important step in Cyncronas work to strengthen its position as an overall supplier within electronic production.
This expansion of the product range is estimated to increase the turnover with 10–12 MSEK on a yearly basis. “As the Cyncrona companies operate in seven countries we have good opportunities to expand the product range geographically as well”, says Clas Kagerup, Businees Director for the Cyncrona Companies.
In conjunction with this takeover three of elnitecs former employees, Klas Lindahl, Mats Berglund and Mike Heath will start working for Cyncrona. Besides selling and offering service in cleaning and the test and cable process systems, they will also be a part of Cyncronas sales team.