Beneli organizes International Conference on smart labels - May 9th to 10th 2016
Next week, some fifty specialists from across Europe meet up at the Beneli headquarters in Helsingborg, Sweden. It will be the second time Beneli hosts this event and focus will be on innovative technology and current trends.
During two days, specialists from different fields come together and share their knowledge. Michael Bäärnhielm, Technical Sales Manager at Beneli, declares the importance of building networks.
– Beneli stresses the importance on forming partnerships. By connecting different skills we can come up with new opportunities and enhance our ability for problem solving. The conference includes a number of workshops where participants will have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas.
This years Academy covers the following topics:
The latest consumer trends and how it affects our lives.The story of how customer needs can turn a product into a completely new service concept.MSF sharing their vision and the challenges they face in the field.How tags and smart labels have a crucial role as part of the megatrend IoT (Internet of Things).Brand enhancement, innovation and the security of tomorrow label will be discussed in the workshops.The speakers represents various organizations and companies such as Médecins sans frontières (MSF), Hilti, Sigma Connectivity and Ericsson.
For more information please contact: Robert Östman, CEO
Mail: robert.ostman@beneli.se
Information about the company: Beneli AB
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