
Reminder: Gärsnäs´ press viewing, 3rd February at 2.30 pm

Product image from the company Gärsnäs AB - Reminder: Gärsnäs´ press viewing, 3rd February at 2.30 pm

This year’s new developments will be announced and shown in the presence of designers Färg & Blanche, Åke Axelsson, Patrik Bengtsson & Pierre Sindre, David Ericsson and David Regestam/Wingårdhs.

The Gärsnäs stand has been designed by Färg & Blanche, who will also be presenting new additions to the prize-winning Emma series.

All this year’s designers will be present and will be talking about their new products. There will also be space for individual interviews.

A warm welcome awaits you at the press viewing of the Gärsnäs exhibition stand, A11:20, on Tuesday 3rd Februarys at 2.30 pm.

For enquiries please contact anna.klockby@garsnas.se

Information about the company: Gärsnäs AB

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