
Follow your statistics on My Pages

Product image from the company CMPartner AB - Follow your statistics on My Pages

We have now launched My pages on Largestcompanies!

Discover how easy it is to get an overview on your company’s exposure on Largestcompanies. Here you will find statistics on the number of entries that your company has had in the search results and the number of company presentation viewings.

We also present statistics on how sought-after your industry is, and we give you an overview of where you stand in the industries you represent, on national as well as Nordic level. On My pages you can also see statistics on the number of visitors to the site Largestcompanies.

New export counter
If you are an Access Advanced customer, you will see all your database extractions and balance for remaining exports. This part is integrated to My pages and it helps you plan and manage your database extractions.

Quick guide: Export search result (PDF)

Contact us for your login data!
Customer service: +46 8 566 229 40

Information about the company: CMPartner AB