
SCHUNK Expert Days – Service Robotics 2010

Product image from the company Schunk Intec AB - Service Robotics 2010

The human being as an example: Five fingers of the human hand oppose to three fingers of the Dextrous Hand from SCHUNK.

Expert forum for the future of service robotics

The first two Expert Days in 2008 and 2009 were a great success for all the partici-pants. Now SCHUNK, the specialist in toolholding, workholding and automation in Lauffen, Germany, has organized the third Expert Days for service robotics on February 24 and 25, 2010. Experts from all over the world will assemble at this summit. In numerous lectures, which are held in English, the participiants will re-cieve information on present research projects, trends, and chances for service robotics.

The lectures of international referees particularly focus on current topics of service robotics: safety, standardization, and European initiatives. Moreover, current re-search projects in the fileld of gripping, mobile manipulation, and modular robotics will be presented. The forum should be a contribution to identify marketable appli-cations of service robotics.

Beside an intensive exchange of experience, the Expert Days are an ideal platform for generating international networks all around the globe and to jointly tackle pro-jects for the future. As in years before, two moderators will present the event: Pro-fessor Dr. Henrik I. Christensen, holder of the KUKA Chair of Robotics at the Geor-gia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, as well as Martin Hägele, Head of Depart-ment of Robotic Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering und Automation (IPA) in Stuttgart. For further information as well as for registration please complete the form online under

Information about the company: Schunk Intec AB