
Sandberg now able to clone hard disks

Product image from the company Sandberg A/S - Sandberg now able to clone hard disks

Sandberg has launched a big square block called the "Sandberg Hard Disk Cloner". It doesn't look like something you would usually have on your computer desk and it weighs about the same as a netbook. So what kind of thing can you use this gadget for?

Two large rectangular holes in the top of the block allow you to insert SATA hard disks, either 2.5" or 3.5" hard disks. A large "clone" button on the top of the block and a whole panel of lights on the front tell you that what happens here is a little out of the ordinary.

If you have ever tried to swap the hard disk in your computer for a larger one, you will know that normally there is no option other than to reinstall Windows and then install all your other software, transfer your data and then start teaching the computer all those confounded passwords and websites again, which it would otherwise usually just be able to remember. This is where the new Hard Disk Cloner from Sandberg comes in with a really ingenious solution: put the new large hard disk in one hole in the block and the older, smaller hard disk in the other hole. Press the "Clone" button, take the dog for a walk, and when you get back it will all be done. You can now insert the new hard disk into the computer, which will boot up and work exactly as you are used to, only with a lot more hard disk space available.

Using hard disks
The Hard Disk Cloner can also be used as a double docking station for external hard disks. In other words, you can connect your computer to the block and use the hard disks as additional storage or as a fast backup solution. You can connect it via USB 2.0 and access both hard disks from Windows using the high-speed USB 2.0, or you can connect it using eSATA and settle for access to only one hard disk, in return for the extremely fast speed of SATA.

The Sandberg Hard Disk Cloner works with both 2.5" and 3.5" SATA hard disks, which can easily be used in combination. Both SATA I and SATA II are supported. There are no restrictions on the capacity of the hard disks, other than the fact that you can only clone to a hard disk with a greater capacity than the one you are cloning from.

On the market now!
The Sandberg Hard Disk Cloner is about to hit the shelves and is also available to purchase online. For more information about the product and your nearest dealer, go to www.sandberg.it, where you can also add the cloner to your shopping basket and then choose a webshop to deliver it.

Press contact
Feel free to contact Anders Petersen for more information: Direct phone +45 4822 2285, email anders@sandberg.it.

Download press release (pdf)

Information about the company: Sandberg A/S