
Safic-Alcan Nordic - your complete solution provider.

Safic-Alcan Nordic is a distributor and business agent specialised on the Nordic elastomeric polymer industry. Our markets are Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Balticum. Today Safic-Alcan Nordic has over 200 customers and work with over 30 principals and associates, worldwide. Safic-Alcan Nordic was founded in 1997 and is a member of the Safic-Alcan group.

"We always create a technical partnership with all principals and our customers. We also have a strong technical and market knowledge which also leads to enduser partnership - for example innovative partner to the Nordic leading automobile industry."

You will find us at Elmia Polymer in Jönköping, 5-8th of May, stand B02:80.

Information about the company: Safic-Alcan Nordic AB