GPS controlled rubidium frequency standard
Pendulum Instruments introduces the new GPS-12R, a GPS controlled rubidium frequency standard. This new instrument receives its frequency stability from the GPS satellite system, and is suited for many applications as e.g.:
• Truly portable and battery operated 2.048 MHz telecom clock (1.544 MHz optional)
• Stationary telecom clock with PRC-performance and redundant –48Vdc power supply
• Ultra-stable time sync source for e.g. DVB and DAB
• In-house 5 or 10 MHz low-noise frequency standard for metrology, lab and test systems
In the basic configuration, the GPS-12 outputs 2.048 MHz and a 1-pps time reference for calibration or synchronization of test instruments and network elements in telecom networks. For SONET networks an optional T1 clock (1.544 MHz) is available. Thanks to the ultra-stable built-in Rubidium atomic clock oscillator, the frequency and time stability is excellent, whether in GPS-controlled mode or in hold-over mode. Optional batteries keep the oscillator running for hours without AC mains voltage, resulting in zero warm-up time after transportation.
For time synchronization of DAB or DVB transmitters, the 1-pps output has a very high stability, securing uninterrupted operation over several days, even after a loss of GPS. The hold-over drift is <1ms/24h.
For use as a frequency standard for metrology, research labs and test systems, the GPS-12 has optional 1, 5 and 10 MHz outputs with very low phase noise. The new inexpensive GPS-12 gives Cesium Frequency Standard performance at a fraction of the Cesium Standard cost.
Information about the company: Orolia Global Services AB