Solna, Stockholm County
Skogas, Stockholm County
Radiall was founded in 1952 as a family owned company making coaxial plugs for the television industry. Today, Radiall is an international and global manufacturer of interconnect components including...
Sollentuna, Stockholm County
Segeltorp, Stockholm County
Nolek is the leading global producer of instruments and machines for leak testing, leak detection and proof testing. We divide our focus into five focus areas as shown below; customized leak test...
Norsborg, Stockholm County
Arlandastad, Stockholm County
Electronic/electromechanical components for industry and military. Servocomponents. Position sensors. Joysticks. Panel instruments. Equipment for disabled persons. Also work in Balticum and Russia.
Legal name: AB Elwia
Lidingo, Stockholm County
Data products out of the ordinary! 2500 data and network communication hardware products in stock. LAN, WAN, Datacomm, Premise wiring, Test, KVM-switches, Multimedia, UPS, Monitor arms, Cables,...
Nynashamn, Stockholm County
Taby, Stockholm County
Process and Laboratory Instruments and Solutions