Legal name: R. Ardbo Golv AB
Norsborg, Stockholm County
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Videra ltd. is the leading originally Finnish developer and applier of remote work technology. Since 1993 Videra has delivered conferencing systems and service entities that combine video-, audio-,...
Solna, Stockholm County
Sale of Trolley for loading and unloading of estate car ergonomically. Loads of up to 155Kg or 220Kg can easily be handled by one person from door to door via estate car.
Sollentuna, Stockholm County
Nymix is a versatile and flexible wholeseller and provider of packaging materials, machinery and know how. Additionally we over general office appliances and materials, products for production,...
Legal name: Oy Nymix AB Finland filial
Hagersten, Stockholm County
Upplands Vasby, Stockholm County
Jordbro, Stockholm County
Kista, Stockholm County
Legal name: Aktiebolaget Nils Thorwaldson