Legal name: ASX 11537 ApS
Brabrand, Central Denmark Region
Turned and routed items, e.g. handles and knobs, made of wood, steel and stainless steel for furniture, DIY and wood stoves. Items made of pressed laminated wood.
Hoejbjerg, Central Denmark Region
Holstebro, Central Denmark Region
Randers NV, Central Denmark Region
Hedensted, Central Denmark Region
Customized rotational molded plastic items such as tanks, containers, covers, furniture, toys. In addition, we produce and market fender and bouys under the name Danfender, which are sold world wide.
Hornsyld, Central Denmark Region
Skodstrup, Central Denmark Region
We are a Danish manufacturer of health care products. Mainly wheelchair ramps in steel and aluminium and tricycles for disabled.
Vildbjerg, Central Denmark Region
Ans By, Central Denmark Region
Horsens, Central Denmark Region