Taby, Stockholm County
Karlshamn, Blekinge County
Research & Development Our company consists of three different parts, each one as important as the other. Our Research & Development department works continuously with extending the usage and...
Sundsvall, Västernorrland County
Saffle, Värmland County
Legal name: Åke Carlsson Hissteknik AB
Loenashult, Kronoberg County
Production equipment for bakery and bake-off. Production equipment for fast food and the food industry. Furniture and equipment for restaurant and restaurantkitchen. Interior design and equipment for...
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Malmo, Skåne County
We sell Energizer products, batteries, flashlights, chargers, mobilechargers for iPhone, iPad, iPod and Universal mobilechargers which covers almost all different phones.
Legal name: AB Linco Fältservice
Saltsjobaden, Stockholm County
Bollebygd, Västra Götaland County
Sales and repair, Maintenance of forklift Sales of battery and charger. Education of forkliftdriwers. Sole agency in Philipines for Kentruck
Mullsjo, Jönköping County