Oslo, Oslo
EDB, salg av prog.vare. Virksom innen elektronisk arkivering, dokumenthåndtering, elektronisk data utveksling og skanning for bedrifter.
Trondheim, Soer-Troendelag
Skedsmokorset, Akershus
One of the leading consulting, technology and outsourcing companies in the Nordic region and among the fastest growing companies within the increasing outsourcing market. With focus on knowledge,...
Norex A.S is an engineering company based on the sales, service and promotion of hazardous area process equipment to the Norwegian offshore industry, working in accordance to ISO 9001:2000. Amongst...
Nesbru, Akershus
Controlteam is an independent supplier of electrical control systems for ships, offshore and industrial applications.
Nesttun, Hordaland
Porsgrunn, Telemark
Drammen, Buskerud