EMS - electronics contract manufacture services.
Espoo, Southern Finland
Modernization of roll grinding machines (paper and steel industry). 3D grinding, 4-point measuring devices. Roll balancing machines for paper industry. Special machining machines.
Leading manufacturer of instruments for R&D and Quality Assurance as well as basic research in surface chemistry, and Langmuir-film research. We manufacture instruments to measure contact angle,...
Export, import and marketing.
Founded in 1986, Espotel is one of the leading providers in embedded technology. Espotel services include architecture-, design- and implementation services for hardware and software products. For...
Reseller and integrator for Best-of-Breed IAM-solutions from Evidian and Novell. You can safely forget the hassle for dozens of passwords by deploying Single Signon (SSO.
Boron chemicals and -minerals. The company's exclusivity area for Turkish boron products presently covers Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany,...
Legal name: Ab Etiproducts Oy