Plastic bottles and canisters.
Monninkyla, Southern Finland
Eltete TPM Ltd is a global carton board refiner and one of the leading producers of 100 % recyclable transport packaging materials and solutions in the world. Our product range includes edgeboards,...
Loviisa, Southern Finland
Nummela, Southern Finland
Energy, Business Services, Transportation, Building Technologies, Communications, Industry.
Espoo, Southern Finland
Helsinki, Southern Finland
Control systems for surface treatment installations.
Savitaipale, Southern Finland
Casting resins for the electrical and electronics industry. Coatings and repair compounds for the building. Industrial wood coatings.
Tuusula, Southern Finland
Pipe systems for residential housing, other construction and municipal infrastructure.
Vantaa, Southern Finland
Manufacturing and installation equipment made of GRP, for example: Pipe systems, Flue gas channels, smokestacks, tanks and absorbers.
Rajamaki, Southern Finland