Market-leading measurement equipment manufacturer, and related services provider. Product range comprises ice detection systems, alarm devices for oil and grease separators, a wide range of level...
Pirkkala, Western Finland
Ecomet Oy founded in 1986 is an subcontracting engineering company specialized on welded medium-heavy/heavy size steel constructions manufacturing. We produce products eg. into a mining-,...
Rautalampi, Eastern Finland
Eltete TPM Ltd is a global carton board refiner and one of the leading producers of 100 % recyclable transport packaging materials and solutions in the world. Our product range includes edgeboards,...
Loviisa, Southern Finland
Electronics engineering company. We serve industrial customers by offering them customised control and measuring electronics.
Turku, Western Finland
Jaminkipohja, Western Finland
We are a producer of power transmission components and machinery parts. We produce gear wheels and racks, internal gear rings, splined shafts and sleeves, worm wheels and screws together with other...
Iisalmi, Eastern Finland
Helsinki, Southern Finland
Control systems for surface treatment installations.
Savitaipale, Southern Finland
Salo, Western Finland