Jet-Tekno is specialized in the design and manufacture of refuelling and other ground service vehicles and equipment. It has a very experienced management and production team, and members of its core...
Tampere, Western Finland
Tarvasjoki, Western Finland
Rawmaterials, chemicals, machines, equipment, automationservices, machinevisionsystems for paper- and other processindustry.
Karkkila, Southern Finland
Nurmijarvi, Southern Finland
Spare parts for forestry machines and cranes. Also second hand. Hydraulics.
Legal name: Koneosapalvelu Oy Aliranta
Vilppula, Western Finland
Sipoo, Southern Finland
We are subsidiary of Elomatic Ltd. from Finland originally formed by Raisio Plc. and Elomatic Ltd. to market the starch and food potato technologies developed by Raisio Plc. Business activity of...
Turku, Western Finland
Versatile heavy metal service company. Propulsion equipment for offshore and marine industri. Bronze foundry. Spreader rolls for paper industry. Manufacturing and service.
Saloinen, Northern Finland
Helsinki, Southern Finland