Tampere, Western Finland
Kajaani, Northern Finland
Kurikka, Western Finland
Helsinki, Southern Finland
Legal name: Pintakäsittelylaitteiden Erikoisliike Akateg Oy
Seinajoki, Western Finland
HK Instruments Oy is specialized in manufacturing low-pressure measuring devices for building automation, clean room technology and ventilation systems. Our product portfolio consists of differential...
Muurame, Western Finland
Hidex designs, produces and markets measurement instrumentation for wide range of applications. From environmental monitoring to life science research. Technologies used are based on the fluorescence...
Turku, Western Finland
Maintenance of laboratory equipments. Representative of Varian Inc. Vacuum Technologies and ColdJet LLC. Mecasamp –product line
Lahti, Southern Finland
Pori, Western Finland
Software development, internet applications and webpages.