Sales of field instruments for process industry. Assenbly of temperatute sensors.
Legal name: Oy Autrol Ab
Espoo, Southern Finland
Moisturemeasurements ja mold investigations in builgins. Fungicides and disinfection chemicals. Analytical microbe laboratory and product development.
Legal name: Oy De Laval Ab
Helsinki, Southern Finland
We are a company specialized on high-quality concrete and binder technology. We offer you know-how, special products and tailor-made systems in four main fields of applications: Binding material...
Turku, Western Finland
Pirkkala, Western Finland
Vibration technology for industry, orientation of small parts, feeding of granules and powder, handling of mass and loose material.The representation of RNA products: bowl vibrators, linear vibrators,...
Kitee, Eastern Finland
Legal name: Honeywell Life Safety Oy
Tampere, Western Finland
Riihimaki, Southern Finland
Tuusula, Southern Finland
Designing and producing of full delivery chain of metal castings process for industry: Manhole covers and frames casted from grey- and ductile cast iron. Manhole Full selection of covers and frames...
Vantaa, Southern Finland