Kvistgaard, Capital Region of Denmark
Legal name: Askalon, Filial af Askalon Ab, Sverige
Soborg, Capital Region of Denmark
We have been established as a dedicated supplier to the public transport industry, specifically to the providers and regulators of bus services throughout the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. We are...
Soenderborg, Region of Southern Denmark
Glostrup, Capital Region of Denmark
Legal name: Polytech v/Tim Holt Jørgensen
Odense Sv, Region of Southern Denmark
Copenhagen S, Capital Region of Denmark
Since 1995 we have build up a solid reputation for manufacturing reliable and good performing products. We achieved this: by offering high quality cable assemblies at competitive prices; by keeping...
Saby, North Denmark Region
Copenhagen K, Capital Region of Denmark
RTX A/S is a leading provider of wireless solutions - a growing business driven by digitalization and the demand for mobility and secure transmission. The business foundation for RTX is the solid...
Noerresundby, North Denmark Region
Tune, Region Zealand