Wholesale within heat- and wearresistant materials. We deliver semi- and finished parts in carbide, ceramic, precious metal, Ni-alloys, carbon fibre, and equipment for furnaces and chemical...
Odense M, Region of Southern Denmark
Delivers chub packaging machines, fat measurring equipment, cooking equipment, blanching equipment and cooling equipment for a variety of industries - primarily food industry. Trademarks are...
Frederikssund, Capital Region of Denmark
Aarhus C, Central Denmark Region
Hoejbjerg, Central Denmark Region
Abyhoej, Central Denmark Region
Kvistgaard, Capital Region of Denmark
Hadsten, Central Denmark Region
IntraNote a/s is a successful and innovative developer and provider of proactive knowledge sharing software (Intranet, CMS, document management) to the private as well as the public sector.
Silkeborg, Central Denmark Region
Copenhagen S, Capital Region of Denmark
Horsens, Central Denmark Region