Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with VAT No DK55595410

* Closing information (×1000) DKK

Fiscal year 202403 202303 202203
Turnover: 58,090 Revenue Down 60,961 Revenue Up 58,004
Earnings before taxes: 301 Revenue Down 2,690 Revenue Down 3,629
Total assets: 18,390 Revenue Down 22,235 Revenue Down 24,549
Current assets: 13,826 Revenue Down 17,655 Revenue Down 20,024
Current liabilities: 6,951 Revenue Down 8,463 Revenue Down 9,490
Equity capital: 9,923 Revenue Down 11,692 Revenue Down 12,402
Share capital: 500 500 500
Number of employees: 75 75 75

Financial ratios

Solvency: 54.0% Revenue Up 52.6% Revenue Up 50.5%
Turnover per employee: 775 Revenue Down 813 Revenue Up 773
Profitability: 0.5% Revenue Down 4.4% Revenue Down 6.3%
Return on equity (ROE): 3.0% Revenue Down 23.0% Revenue Down 29.3%
Current ratio: 198.9% Revenue Down 208.6% Revenue Down 211.0%
Fiscal year 202403
Turnover: 58,090
Earnings before taxes: 301
Total assets: 18,390
Current assets: 13,826
Current liabilities: 6,951
Equity capital: 9,923
Share capital: 500
Number of employees: 75

Financial ratios

Solvency: 54.0%
Turnover per employee: 775
Profitability: 0.5%
Return on equity (ROE): 3.0%
Current ratio: 198.9%