Witre AS
Postboks 235
NO-1752 Halden
Visiting address:
Langbrygga 9
NO-1767 Halden
Municipality: Halden
County: Oestfold
Telephone: +47 69178700
Fax: +47 69178710

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To view this data requires an Access
Fiscal year 202309
Turnover: 108,646
Financial expenses: 441
Earnings before taxes: 6,517
Total assets: 54,767
Current assets: 54,324
Current liabilities: 21,056
Equity capital: 33,711
Share capital: 1,000
Number of employees: 8

Financial ratios

Solvency: 61.6%
Turnover per employee: 13,581
Profitability: 6.0%
Return on equity (ROE): 19.3%
Current ratio: 258.0%
Return on assets (ROA): 12.7%