Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with business id 556124-8153

* Closing information (×1000) SEK

Fiscal year 202212 202112
Number of months: 12 12
Turnover: 1,048,312 Revenue Up 980,001 Revenue Up
Financial expenses: 470 Revenue Down 2,501 Revenue Up
Earnings before taxes: 313,813 Revenue Up 299,823 Revenue Up
Total assets: 683,402 Revenue Up 619,987 Revenue Up
Current assets: 416,800 Revenue Up 355,007 Revenue Up
Current liabilities: 243,588 Revenue Up 201,899 Revenue Up
Equity capital: 435,747 Revenue Up 414,244 Revenue Up
Share capital: 65,000 65,000
Number of employees: 185 Revenue Up 157 Revenue Down

Financial ratios

Solvency: 63.8% Revenue Down 66.8% Revenue Down
Turnover per employee: 5,667 Revenue Down 6,242 Revenue Up
Profitability: 29.9% Revenue Down 30.6% Revenue Up
Return on equity (ROE): 72.0% Revenue Down 72.4% Revenue Up
Current ratio: 171.1% Revenue Down 175.8% Revenue Down
Return on assets (ROA): 46.0% Revenue Down 48.8% Revenue Up

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Fiscal year 202212
Number of months: 12
Turnover: 1,048,312
Financial expenses: 470
Earnings before taxes: 313,813
Total assets: 683,402
Current assets: 416,800
Current liabilities: 243,588
Equity capital: 435,747
Share capital: 65,000
Number of employees: 185

Financial ratios

Solvency: 63.8%
Turnover per employee: 5,667
Profitability: 29.9%
Return on equity (ROE): 72.0%
Current ratio: 171.1%
Return on assets (ROA): 46.0%