
Tømrermester Kristian Fink AS

Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with business id 984 374 267

* Closing information (×1000) NOK

Fiscal year 202312 202212 202112
Turnover: 0 0 0
Financial expenses: 0 0 0
Earnings before taxes: 1,779 Revenue Down 2,336 Revenue Down 2,697
Total assets: 1,156 Revenue Down 1,243 Revenue Up 1,034
Current assets: 951 Revenue Down 1,001 Revenue Up 792
Current liabilities: 782 Revenue Down 1,092 Revenue Up 906
Equity capital: 374 Revenue Up 152 Revenue Up 128
Share capital: 100 100 100

Financial ratios

Solvency: 32.4% Revenue Up 12.2% Revenue Down 12.4%
Profitability: Infinity% Infinity% Infinity%
Return on equity (ROE): 475.7% Revenue Down 1.536.8% Revenue Down 2.107.0%
Current ratio: 121.6% Revenue Up 91.7% Revenue Up 87.4%
Return on assets (ROA): 153.9% Revenue Down 187.9% Revenue Down 260.8%
Fiscal year 202312
Turnover: 0
Financial expenses: 0
Earnings before taxes: 1,779
Total assets: 1,156
Current assets: 951
Current liabilities: 782
Equity capital: 374
Share capital: 100

Financial ratios

Solvency: 32.4%
Profitability: Infinity%
Return on equity (ROE): 475.7%
Current ratio: 121.6%
Return on assets (ROA): 153.9%