Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with VAT No DK26486254

* Closing information (×1000) DKK

Fiscal year 202306 202206 202106
Turnover: 633,142 Revenue Up 528,179 Revenue Up 429,156
Earnings before taxes: 135,783 Revenue Up 124,475 Revenue Up 82,096
Total assets: 428,702 Revenue Up 395,233 Revenue Up 319,448
Current assets: 420,813 Revenue Up 388,822 Revenue Up 213,797
Current liabilities: 185,452 Revenue Up 177,361 Revenue Up 63,709
Equity capital: 242,820 Revenue Up 217,441 Revenue Up 155,530
Share capital: 750 750 750
Number of employees: 75 75 75

Financial ratios

Solvency: 56.6% Revenue Up 55.0% Revenue Up 48.7%
Turnover per employee: 8,442 Revenue Up 7,042 Revenue Up 5,722
Profitability: 21.4% Revenue Down 23.6% Revenue Up 19.1%
Return on equity (ROE): 55.9% Revenue Down 57.2% Revenue Up 52.8%
Current ratio: 226.9% Revenue Up 219.2% Revenue Down 335.6%
Fiscal year 202306
Turnover: 633,142
Earnings before taxes: 135,783
Total assets: 428,702
Current assets: 420,813
Current liabilities: 185,452
Equity capital: 242,820
Share capital: 750
Number of employees: 75

Financial ratios

Solvency: 56.6%
Turnover per employee: 8,442
Profitability: 21.4%
Return on equity (ROE): 55.9%
Current ratio: 226.9%