
Probaco Hjulsbro Sanering i Linköping AB

Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with business id 556667-0575

* Closing information (×1000) SEK

Fiscal year 202306 202206 202106
Number of months: 12 12
Turnover: 38,052 Revenue Down 43,470 Revenue Down 53,313
Financial expenses: 248 Revenue Up 197 Revenue Down 337
Earnings before taxes: -2,497 Revenue Up -2,645 Revenue Down 524
Total assets: 24,835 Revenue Up 24,259 Revenue Down 32,994
Current assets: 21,299 Revenue Up 20,251 Revenue Down 28,285
Current liabilities: 7,311 Revenue Down 8,300 Revenue Down 14,421
Equity capital: 13,827 Revenue Down 14,326 Revenue Down 16,573
Share capital: 200 200 200
Number of employees: 51 Revenue Down 59 Revenue Down 65

Financial ratios

Solvency: 55.7% Revenue Down 59.1% Revenue Up 50.2%
Turnover per employee: 746 Revenue Up 737 Revenue Down 820
Profitability: -6.6% Revenue Down -6.1% Revenue Down 1.0%
Return on equity (ROE): -18.1% Revenue Up -18.5% Revenue Down 3.2%
Current ratio: 291.3% Revenue Up 244.0% Revenue Up 196.1%
Return on assets (ROA): -9.1% Revenue Up -10.1% Revenue Down 2.6%

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Fiscal year 202306
Number of months: 12
Turnover: 38,052
Financial expenses: 248
Earnings before taxes: -2,497
Total assets: 24,835
Current assets: 21,299
Current liabilities: 7,311
Equity capital: 13,827
Share capital: 200
Number of employees: 51

Financial ratios

Solvency: 55.7%
Turnover per employee: 746
Profitability: -6.6%
Return on equity (ROE): -18.1%
Current ratio: 291.3%
Return on assets (ROA): -9.1%