Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with VAT No DK25357469

* Closing information (×1000) DKK

Fiscal year 202312 202212 202112
Turnover: 305,756 Revenue Up 258,872 Revenue Up 202,260
Earnings before taxes: -36,815 Revenue Down -30,670 Revenue Up -38,182
Total assets: 267,564 Revenue Up 254,890 Revenue Up 238,365
Current assets: 155,083 Revenue Up 142,322 Revenue Up 138,686
Current liabilities: 233,518 Revenue Up 158,700 Revenue Up 120,281
Equity capital: 20,426 Revenue Down 49,825 Revenue Up 26,487
Share capital: 1,881 1,881 Revenue Up 1,425
Number of employees: 35 35 35

Financial ratios

Solvency: 7.6% Revenue Down 19.5% Revenue Up 11.1%
Turnover per employee: 8,736 Revenue Up 7,396 Revenue Up 5,779
Profitability: -12.0% Revenue Down -11.8% Revenue Up -18.9%
Return on equity (ROE): -180.2% Revenue Down -61.6% Revenue Up -144.2%
Current ratio: 66.4% Revenue Down 89.7% Revenue Down 115.3%
Fiscal year 202312
Turnover: 305,756
Earnings before taxes: -36,815
Total assets: 267,564
Current assets: 155,083
Current liabilities: 233,518
Equity capital: 20,426
Share capital: 1,881
Number of employees: 35

Financial ratios

Solvency: 7.6%
Turnover per employee: 8,736
Profitability: -12.0%
Return on equity (ROE): -180.2%
Current ratio: 66.4%