
Lysande Lösningar Stockholm AB

Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with business id 556820-7640

* Closing information (×1000) SEK

Fiscal year 202304 202204 202104
Number of months: 12 12
Turnover: 21,015 Revenue Down 27,188 Revenue Up 24,929
Financial expenses: 112 Revenue Up 4 Revenue Down 11
Earnings before taxes: -781 Revenue Down 2,366 Revenue Up 290
Total assets: 7,029 Revenue Up 6,798 Revenue Up 4,993
Current assets: 3,186 Revenue Down 6,438 Revenue Up 4,965
Current liabilities: 3,148 Revenue Down 3,531 Revenue Up 3,402
Equity capital: 1,410 Revenue Down 2,191 Revenue Up 1,587
Share capital: 50 50 50
Number of employees: 14 Revenue Down 18 Revenue Up 15

Financial ratios

Solvency: 20.1% Revenue Down 32.2% Revenue Up 31.8%
Turnover per employee: 1,501 Revenue Down 1,510 Revenue Down 1,662
Profitability: -3.7% Revenue Down 8.7% Revenue Up 1.2%
Return on equity (ROE): -55.4% Revenue Down 108.0% Revenue Up 18.3%
Current ratio: 101.2% Revenue Down 182.3% Revenue Up 145.9%
Return on assets (ROA): -9.5% Revenue Down 34.9% Revenue Up 6.0%
Fiscal year 202304
Number of months: 12
Turnover: 21,015
Financial expenses: 112
Earnings before taxes: -781
Total assets: 7,029
Current assets: 3,186
Current liabilities: 3,148
Equity capital: 1,410
Share capital: 50
Number of employees: 14

Financial ratios

Solvency: 20.1%
Turnover per employee: 1,501
Profitability: -3.7%
Return on equity (ROE): -55.4%
Current ratio: 101.2%
Return on assets (ROA): -9.5%