
Cch Revision Godkendt Revisionsaktieselskab

Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with VAT No DK27015476

* Closing information (×1000) DKK

Fiscal year 202206 202106
Turnover: 0 0
Earnings before taxes: 2,668 Revenue Up 1,773 Revenue Up
Total assets: 4,082 Revenue Down 6,306 Revenue Up
Current assets: 3,238 Revenue Down 5,495 Revenue Up
Current liabilities: 2,265 Revenue Down 4,109 Revenue Up
Equity capital: 1,374 Revenue Down 1,879 Revenue Up
Share capital: 500 500
Number of employees: 7 7

Financial ratios

Solvency: 33.7% Revenue Up 29.8% Revenue Up
Turnover per employee: 0 0
Profitability: Infinity% Infinity%
Return on equity (ROE): 194.2% Revenue Up 94.4% Revenue Up
Current ratio: 143.0% Revenue Up 133.7% Revenue Up
Fiscal year 202206
Turnover: 0
Earnings before taxes: 2,668
Total assets: 4,082
Current assets: 3,238
Current liabilities: 2,265
Equity capital: 1,374
Share capital: 500
Number of employees: 7

Financial ratios

Solvency: 33.7%
Turnover per employee: 0
Profitability: Infinity%
Return on equity (ROE): 194.2%
Current ratio: 143.0%