Dösjebro Fastigheter AB
Drottninggatan 141
SE-254 33 Helsingborg
Municipality: Helsingborg
County: Skåne County
Telephone: +46 (0)46-772270
Fax: +46 (0)46-772274

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Fiscal year 202212
Number of months: 12
Turnover: 406
Financial expenses: 93
Earnings before taxes: -2
Total assets: 8,415
Current assets: 499
Current liabilities: 603
Equity capital: 571
Share capital: 100
Number of employees: 0

Financial ratios

Solvency: 6.8%
Turnover per employee: Infinity
Profitability: -0.5%
Return on equity (ROE): -0.4%
Current ratio: 82.8%
Return on assets (ROA): 1.1%