
Danoffice IT Solutions & Services A/S

Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with VAT No DK32550991

* Closing information (×1000) DKK

Fiscal year 202312 202212 202112
Turnover: 0 Revenue Down 124,266 Revenue Up 0
Earnings before taxes: 8,309 Revenue Down 9,745 Revenue Up 5,079
Total assets: 43,385 Revenue Down 56,569 Revenue Up 32,977
Current assets: 42,189 Revenue Down 55,190 Revenue Up 31,738
Current liabilities: 34,422 Revenue Down 46,430 Revenue Up 28,027
Equity capital: 8,781 Revenue Down 9,928 Revenue Up 4,809
Share capital: 700 700 700
Number of employees: 35 35 35

Financial ratios

Solvency: 20.2% Revenue Up 17.6% Revenue Up 14.6%
Turnover per employee: 0 Revenue Down 3,550 Revenue Up 0
Profitability: Infinity% Revenue Up 7.8% Revenue Down Infinity%
Return on equity (ROE): 94.6% Revenue Down 98.2% Revenue Down 105.6%
Current ratio: 122.6% Revenue Up 118.9% Revenue Up 113.2%
Fiscal year 202312
Turnover: 0
Earnings before taxes: 8,309
Total assets: 43,385
Current assets: 42,189
Current liabilities: 34,422
Equity capital: 8,781
Share capital: 700
Number of employees: 35

Financial ratios

Solvency: 20.2%
Turnover per employee: 0
Profitability: Infinity%
Return on equity (ROE): 94.6%
Current ratio: 122.6%