Financial information

The information source is the annual report of the company with VAT No DK20646330

* Closing information (×1000) DKK

Fiscal year 202308 202208 202108
Turnover: 217,400 Revenue Up 214,478 Revenue Up 182,497
Earnings before taxes: 10,483 Revenue Down 14,842 Revenue Up 11,999
Total assets: 105,793 Revenue Up 84,655 Revenue Down 106,980
Current assets: 74,866 Revenue Up 53,736 Revenue Down 76,313
Current liabilities: 39,199 Revenue Up 26,303 Revenue Down 35,714
Equity capital: 64,107 Revenue Up 55,935 Revenue Down 69,360
Share capital: 2,560 2,560 2,560
Number of employees: 75 75 75

Financial ratios

Solvency: 60.6% Revenue Down 66.1% Revenue Up 64.8%
Turnover per employee: 2,899 Revenue Up 2,860 Revenue Up 2,433
Profitability: 4.8% Revenue Down 6.9% Revenue Up 6.6%
Return on equity (ROE): 16.4% Revenue Down 26.5% Revenue Up 17.3%
Current ratio: 191.0% Revenue Down 204.3% Revenue Down 213.7%
Fiscal year 202308
Turnover: 217,400
Earnings before taxes: 10,483
Total assets: 105,793
Current assets: 74,866
Current liabilities: 39,199
Equity capital: 64,107
Share capital: 2,560
Number of employees: 75

Financial ratios

Solvency: 60.6%
Turnover per employee: 2,899
Profitability: 4.8%
Return on equity (ROE): 16.4%
Current ratio: 191.0%