Lift manufacturing, sales, service and modernization.
Tampere, Western Finland
MaxiPoint Oy is an application and solution provider for maintenance and service businesses and supplies IBM Maximo® EAM maintenance and material systems to different types of industries, energy...
Jet-Tekno is specialized in the design and manufacture of refuelling and other ground service vehicles and equipment. It has a very experienced management and production team, and members of its core...
Vehicle wash equipment and systems,Truck wash, Vehicle wash, Fleet wash,Car wash, Bus wash, Heavy Duty wash,Car wash chemicals, Car wash machines,Tram wash, Light train wash, Train wash, Locomotive...
Rawmaterials, chemicals, machines, equipment, automationservices, machinevisionsystems for paper- and other processindustry.
Automatic fire alarm and extinguishing systems and components.
Legal name: Oy Meclift Ltd