Legal name: Oy Tekno-Marine Ab
Espoo, Southern Finland
Boron chemicals and -minerals. The company's exclusivity area for Turkish boron products presently covers Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany,...
Legal name: Ab Etiproducts Oy
Legal name: Oy Flinkenberg Ab
Legal name: Oy Imu-Tec Ab
Design, development, manufancturing and sales of fluid handling components.
Legal name: Algol Oy
Moonsoft is a Finnish company specializing in software sales for small and medium businesses, academic institutes and the public sector including governmental institutions. Our excellent ability to...
Legal name: Oy Scandrive Ltd
Reseller and integrator for Best-of-Breed IAM-solutions from Evidian and Novell. You can safely forget the hassle for dozens of passwords by deploying Single Signon (SSO.