C-ITS delivers solutions for education and training. Main areas are Computer Based Training/Interactive Courseware and Simulators. Live, virtual, constructive training.
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Kuopio Innovation helps local technology enterprises develop domestic and international business activity. It promotes cooperation between business and the research world leading to the creation of...
Kuopio, Eastern Finland
Nacka, Stockholm County
Taby, Stockholm County
CAD/CAM/NC-programming software importing, postprocessor development and selling. Selling 3D-scanning devices. 3D Scanning and coordinate measuring services. Robotic programming. Software development.
Lempaala, Western Finland
Karlstad, Värmland County
Alunda, Uppsala County
Sollentuna, Stockholm County
Oulu, Northern Finland
R&D services and technical & process consultation related to forest industries. Management consultation in the same area.
Helsinki, Southern Finland