Askalon AB has been working since 1973 to improve process industry applications. Today we are 100 engineers, project leaders and service technicians with competence in valves, valve service and valve...
Hammaro, Värmland County
Hoeganas, Skåne County
Vantaa, Southern Finland
Kalmar, Kalmar County
Jet-Tekno is specialized in the design and manufacture of refuelling and other ground service vehicles and equipment. It has a very experienced management and production team, and members of its core...
Tampere, Western Finland
Nesttun, Hordaland
Evaporators, distilling plants, recycling of solvents. Membrane filters Ultrafilter, ion exchangers. Flockulants. Cleaning of and recycling of spraybooth water.
Lillpite, Norrbotten County
Uppsala, Uppsala County
Turku, Western Finland