Skogas, Stockholm County
We are a Nordic group with sales offices in Sweden (Head office), Denmark, Norway and Finland. We supply Systems, Solutions and Products within Heating, Cooling and Process systems such as District...
Moelndal, Västra Götaland County
We are a company that works with reparation and maintenance work on sawmills and pappermills. We also do steel construction for buildings and cover Walls with sandwichpanels. We can move machine and...
Karl Gustav, Halland County
Ystad, Skåne County
Vasteras, Vaestmanland County
Legal name: AB Herbert Sjöström
Karlstad, Värmland County
Trondheim, Soer-Troendelag
Legal name: Rubber Company, R. Holmquist AB
Vallentuna, Stockholm County