Control systems for energy plants, especially steam boilers, hot water boilers and black liquor boilers. Represents world leading combustion and gas equipment manufacturers such as Fireye Flame...
Aquadesign - a consulting company with specializing on system for irrigation, pumping stations, control of the environment and other question of water. We are Toro Irrigation distributor in the...
Danderyd, Stockholm County
Karlstad, Värmland County
Distrubution of Pallets and frames according to ISOM 15
Huddinge, Stockholm County
Import agency and sales office for process ventilation, Our main business is to save energy for our customers in their air handling. We have a office for construction and a small factory for...
Ludvika, Dalarna County
Legal name: Markkinointi P. Laaksonen Oy
Piispanristi, Western Finland
Legal name: Oy Webmatic Ab
Kirkkonummi, Southern Finland
Fittings systems for the OEM market Göthes Industribeslag deals in all types of fittings systems for the manufacture of doors, façades, gates and windows in the wood, PVC, steel and aluminium...
Falun, Dalarna County
Malmo, Skåne County