Acandia offers products and solutions for measurement and control to companies within construction, real estate, IT, food production and distribution, process industry and maintenance. For measurement...
Tyreso, Stockholm County
Specialist: Regulatory systems and GMP sequence control batch process, all including instrumentation-controllers-HMI-process demands components like Controlvalves,pumps, frequency converters. System...
Oslo, Oslo
Farum, Capital Region of Denmark
Taby, Stockholm County
Temp.controlled sealing of thermoplastic foil. "Resistron" temperature controllers. Pauch sealers, tools and accessories: Impulseband, PTFE-tape, zonetape, copper and silvercoating of sealbands....
Varloese, Capital Region of Denmark
Askalon AB has been working since 1973 to improve process industry applications. Today we are 100 engineers, project leaders and service technicians with competence in valves, valve service and valve...
Hammaro, Värmland County
Welcome to Load Indicator System AB F (LISAB), our vision is to help you with your measuring application. We have created an assortment of suppliers with a wide base to be able to support you. It...
Legal name: Load Indicator System AB
Askim, Västra Götaland County
Distributors of high quality professional audio, video, staging and lighting products.
Bromma, Stockholm County
Skodsborg, Capital Region of Denmark